I have completed seven weeks now as pastor of St. Michael’s Church and I am enjoying it immensely! Slowly but surely, I am learning people’s names, seeing who is related to who, which people are in charge of sacristy, servers, parish council, finance, buildings and grounds, etc. I have been out of daily parish life for the last three years, while I was working at The Pontifical College Josephinum in Ohio as spiritual director. Of course, in the seminary, I had two deacons serving with me at every mass and seminarians who did every little thing, so I was very spoiled. As pastor of a small parish, with no deacons, even though you all have been so welcoming and helpful, I have to remember to do more things myself! I have enjoyed attending many of the bible studies or prayer groups and talking about Jesus and the Sacred Scriptures. I have also enjoyed hearing your insights, and about your own faith lives. I love St. Michael’s Church. I like to call it my private Adoration Chapel, as it is such a beautiful church in which to pray! I pray there every morning, with the Blessed Sacrament enthroned on top of the tabernacle, from 7:00-8:00, at which time Holy Mass begins. St. John Vianney, the patron saint of priests said, “The first duty of the priest is to pray.” I pray for you, for your families and for the intentions you give me. At about 7:30, the rosary is also prayed by the people present. Please come and join us for any or all of these prayers! I was reflecting this week that my “other jobs” as Vicar for Priestly Life and Vocations takes up a much higher percentage of my time than being pastor of St. Michael’s, especially as I try to learn these new jobs and what is entailed. I work in my office at The Catholic Pastoral Center most of each Wednesday, (as well as parts of other days), so I am not usually in the parish office until late in the afternoon that day. That job also requires some travel around the diocese. One of the learning curves of living at Tybee is how much time to allow to get to appointments in Savannah! I am also trying to learn to plan better, so that I can accomplish more things while I am in Savannah, versus making another trip. Living on the absolute “eastern most point” of the Diocese of Savannah, on the ocean, is a great privilege. Tybee Island is a beautiful place to live, and beauty always changes one’s soul. Pope Francis believes that the via pulchritudinis, the way of beauty, is the way to bring Jesus Christ to the world in the New Evangelization. I hope that New Evangelization of the world will begin right here! I have been using the wonderful gifts that you gave me at my welcome party, but especially the bicycle. I have gotten into the habit of taking a ride around Tybee around 8:00 at night, after the day is over, to feel the wind and watch the sun set. And thanks to Fr. Jerry’s great idea, I can see where all the St. Michael’s parishioners live by the small blue signs in their front yards! And I say a prayer for each of you then. Thank you for your love and support. I will try very hard to be available to you when you need me. Fr. Brett Brannen Pastor