Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend! It has been a long week from our parade here on Tybee to the Savannah Parade and everything in between and after! I hope each of you had a wonderful time with family and friends! This week, beginning Sunday morning, I will be on retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemane in Kentucky. Many of you will recognize it as being the monastery where Thomas Merton lived. Each Lent or Easter, I try to take a personal retreat to a monastery to be quiet and listen to the Lord. As I step away from my normal routine, this time of retreat gives me ample time to pray, rest, and focus on who God has called me to be and where He has called me. It is especially significant this year as it comes as I begin my ministry here with you. St. Michael’s and all of you will be part of my prayer and my conversation with Our Lord Jesus. In this time of transition, a retreat will do me well so that I can be refreshed and renewed to serve you better. I will return in time for the Spring clean up on Saturday, March 25th from 9:00 AM to Noon. This “work party” will be a fun and productive morning! I hope to see you there! Have a great week and may God bless you and your families! Peace in Christ, Fr. Dan