____ I am the poster boy for the victory of good over evil.
____ I was born a coal miner’s daughter.
____ I was a deckhand on a dredge boat.
____ I completed a marathon in each of the fifty states.
____ I was a dancing school demonstrator teacher.
____ I was the 1978 Junior Bassmaster Champion.
____ By refusing citizenship, I avoided being drafted into the German Army.
____ As a 15-year-old I clerked on Wall St.
____ While in Rome I was invited to pray the rosary with Pope John Paul II.
10. ____ On the day UGA won the National Football Championship, I was at the
top of the World Trade Tower in New York.
11. ____ I am part owner of an NFL team.
12. ____ But I own an NFL Championship Ring.
13. ____ I worked as an intern for Senator Edward Brooke
14. ____ I carried the 1996 Olympic Torch.
15. ____ I worked on Capitol Hill for Congressman John Flynt
A. Michael Archangel B. Linda Cleary C. Drew Covar D. Dolores Cox
E.. Mike Lynch F. Steve Kujawa G. Ginny Murphy H. Joe Murphy
I. Terri O’Leary J. Theresa Pottratz K. Jerry Ragan L. Bill Robinson
M. Tony Russo N. Carolyn Sheehan O. Carolyn Williams
This was a fun little quiz that we did at our last St. Michael Night Out. Usually, the quiz is based on Catholic trivia but the whole purpose of our monthly Nights Out is to build a greater sense of community. The deeper our sense of belonging to each other, the more effective we will be in proclaiming the love of God. So, have fun getting to know some of your fellow parishioners.
And apparently folks our getting to know and like our little faith community. I am trying to bring a little humility to this, so I won’t print them here but go online and google “St. Michael Tybee” and look at the reviews. They like us! They really like us!!!
1 – A, 2 – D, 3 – K, 4 – I, 5 – B, 6 – O, 7 – E, 8 – L, 9 – F,
10 – C, 11 – H, 12 – J, 13 – M, 14 – G, 15 - N