Praise and Worship Service with Ryan Beke on Saturday at 5pm Click on the livestream link at the top of our Website
Ascension --Sunday Mass on Sunday at 9:30am Click on the livestream link at the top of our Website
Holy Communion Drive Thru at the end of Mass
10:40am to 11:00am
Line up in your car on the side of the Church (8th St. facing Butler).
Follow the directions of the men of the Holy Name Society.
Safe Distance Confessions by Appointment Call me 706-267-1073
May 25th – Memorial Day – Church Reopens for Public Mass Daily Mass – Monday through Thursday at 8am
Saturday Vigil Mass at 6pm
Sunday Morning Mass at 8am and 11am
“Going in person to Mass after 10 weeks was even more amazing than that first cappuccino after 54 days. It finally felt like Easter. Even with the restrictions” - Cindy Wooden in Rome
The restrictions are going to be a pain and hopefully we will be able to ease them sooner than later. But we want to reopen safely. I am surprised by the broad range of thoughts and feelings that folks have been expressing or demonstrating by their behavior. Surprisingly, I’ve observed a number of older folks acting fairly recklessly by not observing social distance and good hygiene and then there are some younger folks who are apprehensive about the Church not being very safe and have no plans to worship with us anytime soon. What is a pastor to do! I will try my best to create a safe environment, but those for do not feel comfortable are under no obligation to come to Church at this time. And if you are older, you should behave and give good example. For those whose health is compromised, it definitely is wise to stay home for now, especially as many people do seem to be acting recklessly and endangering others. We should all act for the common good.
Please do not be discouraged in coming to Mass thinking you might be turned away. Initially, as I’ve already indicated, I don’t expect everyone to feel comfortable coming to Mass. We have set up the Church to ensure safe distancing, and I think there will be enough room at the vigil and the 8am Masses for everyone. Seating will be on a first come basis.
But for all Masses we are also working on an overflow option for those who are late or who are not comfortable being around so many people indoors. We will be live streaming all Masses to a big screen in the Yard. Some might actually prefer the option of attending Mass outdoors where social distancing will still be practiced, and communion will be distributed. Moving forward whether you view it in the Yard or at home live streaming services will remain an important part of our parish life.
Some Guiding Principals
We need to be Christian – kind, patient, and charitable with each other.
Sacramental life is essential for Catholics, and we can operate as safely as other essential services like supermarkets.
We need to be Christian – kind, patient, and charitable with each other.
Catholics must be guided at all times by faith and reason, especially in times of crisis.
We need to be Christian – kind, patient, and charitable with each other.
Safest Practices for Attending Mass
Safe social distancing should be maintained while in church — at least 6 feet between immediate families or individuals.
Communion lines should maintain safe social distancing.
Worshippers should attend church wearing masks.
Preferably, eucharistic ministers in good health should distribute communion.
Singing should be limited, as it is often a high aerosol generating activity that could spread COVID-19 or other viruses.
Safest Practices for Receiving Communion Because newly available evidence* shows that viral burden is highest in oral secretions, communion is most safely received as follows:
Communion should be received in the hand.
Both the priest/minister and the communicant should be wearing masks.
The priest/minister should sanitize hands prior to distributing and receiving communion.
If any physical contact occurs between the communicant and the priest/minister, the minister should immediately sanitize his hands with alcohol-based sanitizer.
This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. During his mortal life and in his resurrection appearances, our Lord was encountered as a singular presence in time and space. For people of faith social distancing can be a very good thing. Now in the distance created by the ascension, the Holy Spirit enters and reconfigures the relationship of Christ to his church. In his ascension, Christ no longer limits himself in time and space. He is wherever and whenever his church seeks him in the Spirit.
It was not enough for the disciples to stand awestruck looking heavenward. They must now be his witnesses “to the whole world.” And that is our Mission too, isn’t it? We are not to stand still and look up to heaven, hoping that one day we will join Jesus there. No, we are called to be witnesses here and now of God’s love to the ends of the earth. Some are hoping that this time of crisis could be a time for a religious revival, as previously secularized citizens rethink their values and priorities. I would love to think that could be true but.... I am tempted to name names here, but out of charity I won’t. Most of us have family members who were raised in the faith and are no longer an active member of our faith community. May the Holy Spirit inspire us to boldly yet with gentle humility invite them to join us once again. It really isn’t as painful as it might once have been for them. They may actually enjoy the communal experience of praising God in our faith community. Then we can get out our old parish directories and start renewing friendships with some of the families that are still on the island. Who knows with the power of God’s Spirit behind us, perhaps this could be a time of religious revival.
This weekend we pause as Americans to remember the many brave men and women who have given their lives throughout the history of our country to protect us from danger and harm. I would invite you to attend the 8am Mass on Monday as a special way of honoring them. It is always a moving liturgy.
God of power and mercy,
you destroy war and put down earthly pride.
Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears,
that we may all deserve to be called your sons
and daughters.
Keep in your mercy those men and women
who have died in the cause of freedom
and bring them safely
into your kingdom of justice and peace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen