Whiskey and the Word Wednesday, July 20th | Churchyard | 8pm
Drinking with the Saints Friday, July 22nd | Evans Dock | 7pm
In his book, Drinking with the Saints: The Sinner's Guide to a Holy Happy Hour, Michael Foley raises one’s spirits as he craws through the liturgical calendar and toast the various saints. It is a good read and provides a nice foundation for us to gather for a holy happy hour on the Evans Dock (1210 Venetian) as the sun sets over the back river. It is always a fun evening of prayer, friendship, faith sharing and the taste testing of a special drink that is somehow related (often very thinly) to the saint in question.
The saints that we’ll be focused on this Friday are the grandparents of Jesus, Ss. Joachim and Anne, St. Mark Ji Tianxiang who was a devout Catholic doctor in China, and the first person to encounter our Risen Lord, Mary Magdalene.
In addition to the featured drink of the evening, there is beer and wine available. Some folks bring snacks and appetizers. Some seats are available, but you may want to bring a lawn chair. Always Drink Responsibly. Or in the words of the Archbishop of Vaison, France in 1633, Drink Soberly.
I forgot to put out this reminder in the beginning of the Summer and it’s hard to believe that school will be in session in just two more weeks. But if you still have travel plans, please remember to bring back a Church bulletin. I love to see what is happening in other parishes.
July 17, 2022 | Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | by the Faithful Disciple Gn 18:1-10a | Col 1:24-28 | Lk 10:38-42 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE GROW: Are you a Martha or a Mary? For me, it depends on the day, but on first glance I’d say I relate more to Martha. When I plug in the vacuum and start handing out cleaning supplies, one of my sons invariably asks: “Is company coming over?” Even once they arrive, I’m often so busy with host duties that I don’t really relax enough to truly connect with our guests! All of that said, I’m not sure Jesus is criticizing Martha or just talking about housework; rather, he addresses her as a friend. “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.” Mary, who sits at the feet of Jesus, shows us what matters most: our relationship with Jesus. It doesn’t mean we won’t get caught up in the busyness of entertaining or life in general. When that happens, however, Jesus’ words can gently call us back to what matters: the way we live our life for Christ each day and prioritizing our relationship with him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It’s wedding season! I was recently talking to a friend whose daughter got married a few weeks ago. She and her daughter had spent months planning the wedding, of course, but the actual day went by “too fast,” she said, her voice tinged with regret. Sometimes it seems life can be like that. We can get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to take a breath and savor each moment with friends and family. In today’s readings, Mary shows us how to truly be present to Jesus by listening to his voice in prayer and reading his words in Scripture. Martha teaches us how to open our homes and our hearts through hospitality. We can learn from both of their examples, drawing strength from prayer and extending the peace of Jesus to others through hospitality and our everyday interactions. SERVE: How can we show hospitality to those outside of our homes? Offer to make food for a funeral luncheon in your parish or prepare and serve food for those less fortunate at a shelter or soup kitchen.