“Dedicate Yourself to Conversion of Heart and Generosity of Spirit!” Most Reverend Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.
“Let us focus on generosity, or returning God’s gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure.”
Everything we do as a Church boils down to helping people young and old have the encounter with Christ that comes through our faith and leads us to union with God in time and eternity.
It can be tempting to think being Catholic means just illuming the inside of our own parish community. But that would be like lighting the inside of a bushel basket. The gift of faith we have as Catholics is not for us alone. We have been given this gift in order to share it with others, starting with our children and grandchildren.
Now I am asking you to reach beyond the boundaries of our parish and share your resources with our Diocesan ministries through a contribution to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
At the parish level, we have many opportunities to benefit from the resources that the Bishop’s Annual Appeal funds such as educating our Priests and Deacons, Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, and Family Life. The Appeal also, funds Catholic Social Service programs and soup kitchens, as well as Respect Life and Marriage Preparation, Hispanic and African American Ministries and Rural Mission Churches.
A gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a way to serve as “Missionary Disciples” here in our diocese by helping to fund many important ministries and services. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to this important appeal.
You can make a donation online at
https://donate.diosav.org/baa or by sending a pledge or check to:
Bishop’s Annual Appeal
P.O. Box 936253
Atlanta, GA 31193-6253
*Please indicate the name of our parish on the memo line.
As always, thank you for your generosity. Please be assured of my constant prayers.