There are two kinds of deacons in the Catholic Church. This weekend our Faith Community is blessed to experience both kinds. As part of his preparation for priesthood Deacon Peter Lashima was ordained as a transitional deacon at the Cathedral in May. Deacon Peter is heading back to St. Vincent DePaul Seminary for his final year of studies before ordination to the priesthood next June. Peter will preach at the 8 am Mass this weekend. Deacon Tony Wagner is a permanent deacon who normally serves at St. Mary on the Hill in Augusta. Previously, Deacon Tony has served both in prison ministry and campus ministry. He is the CFO of Augusta University and Health System. Tony and his wife Lisa have two grown sons. Tony will preach at the 6 pm and 11 am Masses this weekend.
Blessed Paul VI Pope Paul VI outlined the deacon's role as follows:
1. to assist the bishop and priests during liturgical services in regard to all those matters assigned to the deacon by the liturgical books for the various rights;
2 .to administer baptism solemnly;
3. to reserve the Eucharist and to give communion to himself and others, to bring viaticum to the dying; to give benediction with the monstrance or ciborium;
4. to assist marriage in the name of the Church, when no priest is available, and, with the bishop’s or pastor’s delegation, to impart the nuptial blessing;
5. to administer sacramentals and preside at funerals and burial rites;
6. to read the books of Scripture to the faithful, to instruct and exhort the congregation;
7. to preside at offices of worship and prayer services, when no priest is available.
I’d love to see one of our parishioners apply for the diaconate formation program. I think we have a number of men who’d make great deacons and it has been too long since the parish has been blessed by the ministry of a deacon on a regular basis. After this weekend I’ll stop badgering. But time is running short for the application process, so please talk to me if the Lord is tugging on your heart or conscience. No one is worthy to serve in ordained ministry. In discerning a call to minister as a deacon, you want to ask yourself if the idea of becoming a deacon is scary? Uncomfortable? It should be. If you are married, your first commitment is always going to be to your wife and family. I know Deacon Tony would be happy to share his experience with anyone who has thought about the diaconate. And I am always happy to help anyone evaluate where you are in your life and where God is in it all.
That offer is open to everyone, especially those who are looking for a faith community to call home. If you know someone who might be interested in our Catholic faith, please let me know. I’d love to talk to them and help them along the path to full Communion with us. They need not make any commitments. I am happy to help anyone explore how they feel about and relate to God. Do you want to become more involved in your own faith and learn how to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus and his Church? Talk to me (706-267-1073). I love pastoring in a small faith community where I am blessed to be able to walk with people on their faith journeys in a very personal way.
The phone number that you just read is my cell phone number. You might consider putting it in your contacts. I love pastoring in a small parish, where folks don’t need to go through big hurdles to find their pastor when there is a medical emergency. The risk of course is that not everyone has the same sense of boundaries, but I am willing to take that risk. In a medical emergency, it is best to call me directly (706-267-1073). If for any reason, you think you need to make an appointment, Mary Chapin (912-786-4505) will normally have a sense of my schedule and can set you up with an appointment. And of course, you are more than welcome to use my cell number to invite me to breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Fr, John Lyons and I are headed to the Holy City of Charleston this week for the Provincial Assembly of Bishops and Priests. The Conference will explore issues facing the Catholic parish in the 21
st century. I am grateful to Fr. Michael Hull who is coming down from Augusta to cover for me. I usually say behave while I’m away but Fr. Michael is a bit of a character so keep an eye on him to make sure he behaves.
Finally, mark your calendars for a Parish Day of Renewal that will day place on October 20
Yes, yes, I know it is foolish to try to schedule something on a Saturday in the fall, but I am not a total knucklehead. The Dawgs have a bye week on October 20
th. More details will follow. It will be an important and exciting day for our Faith Community, so mark your calendars now!!!