I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4
th of July with family and friends!
It is good to be home and back with everyone! The Convocation in Orlando was busy and full, but it was extremely fruitful and blessed! We had so many people there to give perspective and to network with about evangelization and how we can be better missionary disciples and share the joy of the Gospel.
Our delegation from the Diocese of Savannah consisted of the Bishop, Fr. Pablo Migone, Deacon Kelley Culver, Ms. Ann Pinckney, Ms. Joan Altmeyer, Mrs. Leigh Ebberwein, and Mrs. Katy Beyers. Each of these people represent a facet of our Diocesan work and outreach from evangelization to parish life, from youth ministry to vocations work.
The Convocation gave us a chance to share with one another and be frank with each other as to the state of evangelization in our diocese and about the spiritual health of our diocese. Dynamic speakers and panelists offered their insights into evangelization and who are on the peripheries. There were times of prayer and healing and ample time for networking and sharing best practices with each other.
Gathering bishops, priests, deacons, religious, lay leaders was a powerful witness to the beauty and dynamism of the Church in the United States. It was a chance for dialogue with our bishops about the realities that are facing us and the landscape in which we are living today. Constructive ideas and even criticism came throughout the days together.
I must say, I am very encouraged about where the Holy Spirit is leading the Church in the United States and where he is leading the Diocese of Savannah.