Today is Divine Mercy Sunday! Once again, we celebrate the great love Jesus and his gift of forgiveness. We know of our salvation by the forgiveness of our sins. Our sins are drowned in the Ocean of Mercy which pours forth from our Lord’s wounds. Each time we go to confession, each time we come to mass and our sins are forgiven, we touch the wounds of Our Lord Jesus like Thomas did. By touching those wounds often in these sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist, we know more and more the depth of the mercy and love of Jesus. He gives us these sacraments through Holy Mother Church so that even this far removed from the time he walked this earth we can experience the life and love he came to bring us.
Our Lord Jesus appeared to St. Faustina Kowalska and is depicted in the image of the Divine Mercy with the words “Jesus, I trust in you” written at the bottom. What a beautiful disposition of soul! Trusting in the Lord is the beginning of everything and it can be a very difficult thing to do. We want to have control. We want to determine where we will be and what we will be doing. Often we close ourselves up to different possibilities and ultimately to the Lord’s will. How happy we are when we are right at the center of God’s will and what He wants for us! This is where true happiness and fulfillment are found – being about the business of our Father in heaven!
Jesus prayed, “Father, your will not mine be done.” Mary said, “Let it be done to me according to your will.” Joseph followed the will of God by taking Mary as his wife and then taking her and Jesus to Egypt. By praying, “Jesus, I trust in you” we follow their example and live life to its fullest. We don’t know what will happen or where he will lead us, but let’s follow His will, His plan for us.