ADORATION is an encounter with Christ in which we present and acknowledge our humanity before the greatness of our Creator. Spend time in the Real Presence of Our Lord each morning before daily Mass.
PETITION is the form that we are most familiar with. During Petition prayer, we request help from the Lord for our spiritual and physical needs; it's also how we express sorrow for our sins. It is very important that we include a prayer for the willingness to accept His Holy Will in the way our prayers are met. The Our Father Prayer is the most well-known form of Petition.
INTERCESSION is praying on behalf of the needs of other. This form of prayer brings people together. We ask the Saints to intercede for us. When praying the Rosary, we can dedicate each bead to saying a meaningful prayer for someone or for a group. (If you ever get to meet an individual for whom you have been fervently praying, especially if it is someone you didn't already know, prepare for the possibility of being reduced to a puddle of tears.)
During THANKSGIVING prayer, we recognize the parts of our lives as gifts rather than something we are entitled to. We acknowledge His presence in all, good and bad. ("Give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thess 5:18) The blessing before meals is a classic example. Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to spark offering up prayers of Thanksgiving.
PRAISE prayer is a song of the heart. The Psalms are the most commonly known form of Praise. During this form of prayer, we honor the Lord because He is, not only for what He has done. Many people find that music helps them celebrate His goodness. Praise Him with your life.
The most important thing to remember is not to compare your prayer life to that of others. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Your prayers are important, and you are each beautifully unique.