Praise God we survived last week’s Pirate infestation. But before we get totally settled in the off-season, we want to use this beautiful space this morning to give glory to God. Thank you for joining us in worship.
I love the sense of community that is a huge part of the Tybee experience. And I love this opportunity to share with you a little something about the St. Michael Faith Community here on Tybee.
Hanging in my study is a framed piece of embroidery with a hand stitched saying which was given to me by a convert to the Catholic faith. It is a saying that I use to get across the idea that all baptized Christians are responsible for building up God’s Kingdom. In our little Church here on Tybee we believe that it is our mission with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make God’s love an ever more present reality in our universe and especially here on Tybee. This is what it means to build up God’s Kingdom.
Our sanctuary has just been renovated and it is beautiful. Please come and check it out. But as great as our worship space looks, the real beauty of our faith community is to be found in the good people who gather in that space. We would love for you to “come and see” and be a part of a community that rejoices in the Risen Presence of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Again, we thank you for joining us in worship this morning. And this is the saying that hangs in my office: If not us, who? If not here, where? If not now, when? If not for the Kingdom, why? Dare to Dream!