Monday, December 9th -- Feast of the Immaculate Conception Masses at 8am and 6pm (not a Holy Day of Obligation) Wednesday, December 11th – St. Michael Night Out 80E from 6pm to 8pm Sunday, December 15th – Town Hall Meeting at 4pm Rectory Open House from 5pm to 7pm
Our current culture no longer supports a religious way of life, much less a Catholic way. It is not easy to follow Jesus and his Gospel in such an unsettled time. That is precisely why we need each other. Our occasional Town Hall meetings are meant to build a deeper sense of belonging to each other. I hope you will prepare for our next Town Hall Meeting by filling out the following survey.
How long have you been a parishioner of St. Michael Catholic Church? ________________
Share a happy memory of our faith community from years gone by: ___________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _
_________________________________________________________________________________________ How would you describe your knowledge of Catholic doctrine and issues pertaining to the Catholic faith? a. Knowledgeable b. Knowledgeable, but some additional education would be helpful. c. Somewhat knowledgeable, but there are definitely issues that I need to learn more about. d. Not very knowledgeable.
Have you or would you attend adult faith formation sessions? a. Yes b. No Why? a). I was not aware of them? b). None of the topics have been of interest to me. I would attend session(s) on the following topics:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ c). I do not have time. d). They are held at times that do not fit into my schedule. The best time for me to attend is: _____________________ e). I am not interested in attending adult education sessions. f). Other __________________________________________________________________________
What do you like best about our parish? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
What would you like to see added or changed to improve our parish? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________