The worst advertisement for Christianity is a gloomy pessimistic face. The philosopher, Nietzsche, once said, “If you Christians want me to believe in your redeemer, you will have to look more redeemed." This has always been a challenge for me. In my vocation as a priest it is important that I be social, but I am naturally somewhat introverted. So I often have this very pensive, stern look on my face as my mind is trying to process things. My childhood nickname was “Happy”. When Sister Ann Williams, my eighth-grade teacher, heard the other students calling me Happy she said to me, "If you are Happy, you ought to notify your face."
As Christians, our joy is not primarily rooted in the money or possessions we have or the job that we may love or having a great family. The sad reality of human existence is that any or all of these could be taken away in the twinkling of an eye. So when our joy is dependent on stuff outside of us, it rests on shaky ground.
As followers of Christ, our joy must be rooted in the belief and hopefully the felt experience that God loves us unconditionally and that Christ, through his resurrection has defeated suffering, evil and death. We will experience suffering, evil and death in this life but they do not have the last word. In the end if we are connected to Christ, we will defeat all the enemies of life and enter into the joy of the Lord.
This third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. It is the Sunday on which we wear pink vestments and light the pink candle on the Advent wreath as a sign of our joy. Gaudete is the Latin word for "let us rejoice." These words are found in the Entrance Antiphon for this day, which are taken from Philippians 4:4-5: "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Let us rejoice in the Lord always").
Today I rejoice in our Faith Community. I rejoice in our beautiful little Church and more importantly, I rejoice in the wonderful people of faith who gather to worship our gracious God in this Church. And even though joy is not rooted in money I rejoice in your generosity to our offertory, which makes it easier for me “to notify my face that I am Happy.” Such generosity allows us to contribute $1000.00 to our Endowment Fund every month. Fr. Tom started this Fund just four years ago so that there’d be a Catholic presence on Tybee for years to come. I rejoice to report that its market value surpassed a million dollars last month. I rejoice that your generosity allowed us to contribute $800. to the Social Apostolate in November and as we approach Christmas $1000. to the Franciscan Sisters who taught in our parish school for so many years. As Catholic educators they formed our children in the faith without receiving a just or living wage. I am happy that we can help them in their retirement.
I rejoice that so many of you are actively involved in our parish. I rejoice in the great work the Pastoral Council is doing in developing a set of priorities for us to move forward in the Spirit. I rejoice in the great affirmation that I receive from so happy in our faith community. Your care for me is humbling and very much appreciated. I rejoice in the strength we find as we celebrate God’s love in and through the Sacraments.
As we approach Christmas, I’d ask you to consider sharing the good news of our Faith Community. Many of us know those who have fallen away from the Faith --- who perhaps never attend Mass even on Christmas or Easter. Consider taking a moment to invite someone who is no longer affiliated with the Church back to Mass on Christmas Day. And, because it is a day of celebration, extend the invitation to Christmas brunch or dinner.
Christmas Eve Mass will be at 4pm (with Children’s Nativity Play) and 6pm Christmas Day Mass will be at 10am