Don’t forget that August is our month to help the Social Apostolate restock their food pantry. For those worshipping via livestream this weekend, The Holy Name Society will hold a Food Drive In conjunction with the 9am Communion Drive-by on Lovell Ave.
Saturday, August 15th, 8am, Mass for the Assumption The Assumption of Mary is a feast day that is celebrated on August 15th every year. This feast day commemorates Mary’s death (her birth into eternal life) and her assumption into heaven.
Eight people showed up last Saturday evening for the Vigil Mass. While I counseled folks, who are at risk if they are infected by the Covid-19 virus to stay home, still I was disappointed in the small number of people who gathered last week to worship our Lord. I know we can do better. The Feast of the Assumption is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, but I’d be very pleased if a dozen folks showed up to honor Mary next Saturday morning at 8am. I don’t think there is a safer public space than our Church. So, join me for Mass next weekend. All Sundays and Holy Days are obligatory for the faithful to participate in the Mass. The remaining Holy Days for this year are:
Saturday, August 15, 2020 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Not obligatory
Sunday, November 1, 2020 All Saints' Day Yes obligatory
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary Yes obligatory
Friday, December 25, 2020 Christmas Yes obligatory
The number of Holy Days of Obligation vary from year to year, because the precept to attend Mass is lifted (abrogated) if any of the following days: 1 January (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God),
15 August (Feast of the Assumption), 1 November (Solemnity of All Saints) falls on a Saturday or on a Monday. The faithful, however, are encouraged to attend Mass on those days.
Although we ended the fiscal year well, we are off to a slow start in the new fiscal year. But then we are in the midst of a pandemic and because of your good stewardship in the past, I doubt if I’ll have to take furlough days anytime soon. I am always grateful for the return you make to God.
In April, the Diocese made the decision to put the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) on a temporary hold. This hold allowed churches to focus on their pandemic response and church closings while allowing for time to safely reopen and welcome back parishioners. The ACA hold was always meant to be temporary with the intention to resume active fundraising once parishes had a chance to reopen. The time has come to remove the hold and bring our attention back to the ACA. I thank those of you who had already contributed to the ACA before the hold went into effect. I hope those of you who have not yet contributed and have the means to do so, will respond generously to the appeal letter from the Diocese that should be coming in the mail this week.
We will soon have a new Bishop who no doubt will bring new energies to our Diocesan ministries. Let’s get off to a good start with him by showing him our financial support. I am happy to announce that less than a week after he is ordained, Bishop Parkes will be visiting St. Michael Church to Confirm Scarlett Gillen and Cat Evans. In 27 years as a pastor in this Diocese, the parishes that I have served have never failed to reach the goal of the Diocesan Appeal. I’d like your help in keeping up that winning streak and it would be awesome if we could cross the finish line before Bishop Parkes pays
a visit to Tybee on September 29th.
I’m headed to a safe house in Kissimmee, FL this week for a few days of R&R with my good buddy, Fr. Herb Sperger. I want to thank Msgr. Jim Costigan for celebrating morning Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Delia will send out an annual financial report in place of my Tuesday notes. This faith community and I are so very blessed to have such a dedicated administrator. I would be lost without her outstanding work and good guidance on so many things.