Weekend Masses throughout the pandemic will remain at 6pm on Saturday and 8am and 11am on Sunday morning. There are three worship options: 1. In Church 2. Under the carport via simulcast at 6 and 11 3. On your computer via livestream beginning the 6. For those worshipping via livestream, there will be a Communion drive-by on Sunday at 9am in front of the Rectory on Lovell Ave.
Y’all taught Fr. Dan Firmin very well in the few months that he was administrator of our parish in the Spring of 2017. As Diocesan Administrator during this interregnum, he has certainly gone on to bigger and better things. The Diocese has been blessed by his leadership. A couple of weeks ago, he sent a letter thanking the parishioners of St. Michael Church for reaching our goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal. In part it read:
“I offer my sincere appreciation to you all for reaching your 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal goal. This accomplishment is a tremendous blessing to our diocese. To reach the goal during these challenging times demonstrates your commitment to the diocesan programs that serve our pastoral, educational and human services.
Thanks to the generosity of those who gave, our brothers and sisters in Christ in South Georgia who are in need spiritually or materially will benefit directly from the funds raised for our ministries and programs. Working together we can make a difference.
It is my honor and privilege to walk with you in advancing the ministry of Jesus and to witness this extraordinary work we continue to accomplish Sowing Seeds in His name.”
Our readings this Sunday ask us not to shy away from making sacrifices. As St. Paul reminds the Romans, we make a sacrifice when we resist conforming ourselves to the world we live in. As followers of Jesus, we sacrifice our own selfish desires to reach out to others as we share God’s love. As your pastor, I add my sincere appreciation to that of Fr. Firmin’s for the financial sacrifices that you make to support our Diocese and this faith community.
Naturally, I’d love to be on track with our budgeted offertory, but then again, we are in the midst of a pandemic. We will survive. I thank you for your commitment to St. Michael Church.
Taking the Gospel home
Take time to prayerfully read Matthew 16:21-27
Which of these situations fit into Christ’s instruction, “Lose your life for my sake and find it”?
Doctors and nurses treating people with the Covid virus;
Dads and Moms making sacrifices for the good of the family;
Priests, deacons and religious generously serving others;
Young people daring to follow their consciences, unafraid to go against the current;
People renouncing their own interests to work with immigrants, elderly, disabled, homeless, trafficked?
What part of Jesus’s message makes you really uncomfortable? How have you been “conformed to this age” rather than taking Jesus for your model? What “fire burns in your heart” that still makes you want to follow Jesus? Even to the cross? Which person has sacrificed the most for you?
Practice: What person, thing, attitude, habit concretely and frequently reflects how you are conformed to this age. Reflect upon how you will try to change that part of your life.