The Parish Leadership gathered on Friday afternoon, October 19
th. At her core the parish is a family. As in any family, it is important periodically to gather around the table and just talk. Tim Glemkowski guide us in reflecting upon our strengths and weaknesses. Are we the people who we say we are --- who God calls us to be? How can we be better? I rejoiced in how well the conversation evolved. I think all around the table had the confidence and trust to speak what was in their heart. And it was obvious that all had a heart-felt love for our faith community.
It is not surprising even for a small parish such as ours but because folks attend three different weekend Masses, we often don’t know our fellow parishioners. So, a very basic goal for our parish leadership is
to engender a deeper sense of belonging to each other as a faith family. Two initiatives that are already in place that will help us move towards this goal are the Saint Michael Nights Out where we all gather at a local restaurant and our occasional Town Hall Meetings which are followed by a reception.
Working together for the common good is another way to engender a deeper sense of belonging. The following projects can use your help.
This week Box of Joy Project Joann Naylor – team leader
11/17 at 10am 19th St. Dune Planting Sean Gillen – team leader
11/18 at 6pm Reception after Service Mary Chapin – team leader
2/3/19 Oyster Roast Michael Beytagh – team leader
But the objective that the Parish Leadership hit upon towards this goal that got us all excited was the Three into One Liturgy. In place of our three weekend liturgies, we are aiming for once a quarter to have one Mass in a public place (the pier or the park) where we can all attend one liturgy together and at the same time give witness to our faith.
Another goal that needs to be a focus for our parish is to create a
Culture of Invitation. Visitors tell us that there is already a welcoming spirit among us, which is nice to hear but we can always improve. Objectives towards this goal would be placing rack cards with our information in the local motels and b&b’s, the bring one person to Mass challenge, and placing a small kiosk in front of Church during weekend Masses that would have visitor information.
Finally, we discussed Faith Formation. Our demographics are such that we have very few children who need religious education. Sadly, Tybee housing is not affordable for most young families. Most of the Catholic children who do live on the island are able to attend Catholic schools on Wilmington and in town. As a faith community, we remain committed to helping the parents of the children who attend public schools. And while, it places a greater burden on these parents as the primary religious educators of their children, we believe that it is in the best interest of their children that they attend the larger and more developed Religious Education Program at St. Peter the Apostle. The parish leadership was very grateful to Katie Gillen for helping us to see this and her efforts on behalf of our children.
If we are to remain a strong and vibrant faith community than our efforts need to be focused on
strengthening Adult Faith Formation. And I’ll address this goal when I return from vacation. In the mean time be good to Fr. Dave, because I know he’ll be very good to y’all.
This week is our final push for the Boxes of Joy. There will be a work session this Sunday afternoon, and again on Friday evening and next Saturday. Please check the calendar for times. After the 11am Mass next Sunday all our boxes will be delivered to St. Peter the Apostle for shipping. Many of you have already put together your own boxes and returned them to the Parish Meeting Room. I am grateful for your efforts. And I share the following, for those who may not yet be familiar this program:
At Christmas, we experience the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gift giving is a wonderful, meaningful part of that experience. Unfortunately, severe poverty deprives many children in developing countries of this joy. Their parents are too poor to provide even one simple Christmas present.
Through Cross Catholic Outreach’s Box of Joy program, you can ensure these children are not deprived of Christmas blessings this year. By packing a Christmas gift box and sponsoring the cost of its shipment, you can deliver a Box of Joy to a child overseas who would otherwise receive nothing.